Hand of Heaven: The Maiden


The ocean… vast… beautiful… dangerous. The Maiden is all these things and more.

Though she may be simplistic in her design The Maiden is all about keeping her enemies where she can reach them. She’ll morph her body in order to blast her foes or move more quickly about. Don’t underestimate her or else you’ll be hit by the full force of the depths below. I’m talkin tidal waves crashing down the lane.

This aint no kiddy pool, that’s for sure.

Hand of Heaven: The Candy Princess


She’s sweet… in every way possible. She’s there to help you and giggle while your enemies fall.

The Candy princess may not be much of a fighter but she certainly has some great abilities to help keep you alive. Using the power of candy she can heal and even give her allies a hard candy shell to protect them. She can even throw a cavity causing jawbreaker at her foes. Even better, when any of her abilities are used they give a speed boost to her allies or lowers the speed of her enemies.

Candy may not be very threatening by itself, but when combined with powerful warriors it can certainly make your death that much more embarrassing.

Hand of Heaven: The Pillow Lady


Big and fluffy and oh so resilient to attacks. It’s The Pillow Lady! She’s here to act as an adorable wall between you and your foes.

Her major quality is her ability to take hits as she will always receive less damage from any source. Send her in first for a nice slow moving fortress of fluff. With such great tanking potential she’s great for teams where a lot of the other members are very squishy. Well, OK, she’s squishy too, but in that annoyingly defensive way.

Just like when you were kid always remember to bring your big ol stuffed toy with you. You never know when you’re gonna need em.

Hand of Heaven: The Dark Warrior of Vengeance

The Calm Before The Storm Border

The very physical manifestation of revenge. Whether you mean to or not, this warrior will enact your terrible fantasies upon those you hate.

This dark warrior is all about finding and destroying her targets. Her abilities allow her to move about quickly and exact righteous pain upon those who enter her path. Possessed with strong defensive qualities as well her slow speed is counter balanced by her sheer unrelenting power. Send her ahead of those who need protection in order keep the path open and to keep your enemies busy.

A powerful fighter. She’ll make sure you don’t have time to regret your decision.

Hand of Heaven: The Freedom


Over fields. Over dale. Over… yonder? I forget the words. But this carefree being is the essence of freedom in physical form.

The Freedom is a fast supportive Aspect that can help allies by quickly running up to them and freeing them of status ailments and other problems. Being so fast this lovely horse can also be used as a scout for checking the terrain as it can keep itself safe by simply fleeing from enemies. When truly in trouble it can activate its ultimate ability to allow its whole team faster speed and the ability to run through any obstacles in their way.

A simple being, but then, freedom is a simple concept anyway.

Hand of Heaven: The Rage


The physical manifestation of rage itself. This thing is a crazy monster that is never happy. Trust me, you don’t want to get anywhere near this guy.

The Rage is a bruiser that’s all about rushing in on enemies and knocking them around. It can blow up on command, throw its foes, it can even become more angry. As if that was even possible. Use this guy to create loads of pressure for your opponent’s army. If this guy keeps rampaging about then they’re going to have to deal with him which could create openings for your own team.

So yeah, you won’t like this guy when it’s angry… but then again, it’s always angry.

Hand of Heaven: The Lonely One


She’s lonely, but she doesn’t want you anywhere near her. But… But… she’s just so TORTURED!

The embodiment of the destructive nature of depression. She yearns for the company of others but something is always keeping her back. In this case, literal force fields… OF SADNESS!!! Her shields can do a variety of things such as keeping allies safe, moving enemies away, or even containing attacks. Her ultimate ability Void Shield creates a mini arena that traps everyone inside but gives a great advantage to her allies while inside the shield.

The Lonely One is for when you want to keep your distance and keep a defensive stance… just like your awkward teenage years.

Hand of Heaven: The Claw


From the shadows it waits for just the right moment to pounce those least suspecting. The Claw is the very essence of the “predator.” A being so dangerous that no one is really sure what it actually looks like.

The Claw itself is a fast and powerful assassin style unit. It jumps in and hits hard so to scare its opponents. Its passive effect allows it to continue hitting harder and harder so as to create pressure. If used properly The Claw can cause your opponent to make mistakes making it great for both early and late play. Even if your opponent has the upper hand if this guy can scare them you might be able to turn the tide of battle.

The Claw is all about playing games with its prey. Just like a true predator should.

Hand of Heaven: The Calm Before The Storm

The Calm Before The Storm Border

The very manifestation of that peaceful foreboding feeling before a huge storm hits the coast. She may be cute and somewhat innocent, but don’t underestimate the power that’s building up behind her.

The Calm Before The Storm is interesting for the fact that he power grows over time. The longer she goes without attacking the more powerful her next attack will be. In this way she ends up being a great late game sweeper coming in behind her allies and wiping out anything left that may have survived. She’s also great for causing chaos with her Debilitating Mist ability which blinds enemies in the area it affects.

Just like a real storm she brings forth destruction and confusion everywhere all with a cute little smile on her face.

Hand of Heaven: The Destroyer


And some just want to see the world burn. Don’t let her looks deceive you for this is nothing more than the physical manifestation of destruction itself.

The Destroyer is all about causing as much damage as possible. With a power stat that big one can only imagine how quickly she wipes her enemies off the face of the map. By the same token, all her other stats are very low making her the very definition of glass cannon. Keep her safe and she’ll clear the way to the enemy base in no time. Even better, her explosive attacks can sometimes shock opponents causing them to lose their next turn.

So, watch where you step, otherwise, you might go boom.